Thursday 19 August 2010

So many galaxies, so little coffee . . .

So wrote ZookeeperKevin as his forum profile signature, probably in memory of the week in which he classified 50,000 galaxies in one go. So wrote I, struggling to think of a title for an article I wrote for the Astronomy Now magazine in May. A thousand guesses what the subject is (no, not homeopathy actually) . . . But now it is out . . .

I like the cover.

Here's a preview of my article, from the Features link:

It's not available online I'm afraid. But if you buy the magazine I hope you enjoy it!

One of the things that pleases me most is that they gave me space to write about the huge variety of projects going on, and mention even a tiny fraction of the lovely, smart, hardworking zooites who've contributed to the most exciting project I've ever been involved with. Sorry to the hundreds more who I'd have liked to mention too . . .

Keith Cooper, editor of Astronomy Now and who invited me to do this piece of work, very kindly says he hopes I'll feel as enthusiastic about science journalism after my 100th article as my 1st. I first considered science journalism in my final year of university, but didn't honestly think I could do it at the time. It's great to be wrong sometimes!


lightbulb500 said...

Loved the article Alice :)
I look forward to reading more of your articles when they get published :D

Gregg said...

Really enjoyed reading the article, looking forward to the next ones.

Sakib said...

Brilliant article, its so great to see your work kinda being published! Interestingly this issue of Astronomy also has an article about Galaxy Zoo by your partner in crime, Bill Keel, which was also an excellent read!